Support Affordable Housing in Mill Valley

Please show up Monday evening at 6.30pm for an in person city council meeting to show our continued support for affordable housing in Mill Valley. Here is the link with details:

The Mill Valley City Council will vote on Monday to work with a non-profit affordable housing developer, EAH Housing, to begin to design a project at the Public Safety Building site (One Hamilton) with affordable homes for about 40 families.

EAH Housing is dedicated to building communities that enhance the surrounding neighborhoods! Low-income in Mill Valley means a one-person household with an annual income over $100,000 and a family of four with an income of about $150,000.

This will mean that some of the folks who work in Mill Valley will be able to live here. This will cut down on traffic, because now many small business owners, teachers, firemen, etc. commute long distances to come to work in Mill Valley.

Founded in 1968 to address the housing needs  in Marin County, EAH has developed 106 properties with an estimated aggregate development cost of $1.8 billion (current dollars), and manages over 13,000 unit leases in 87 municipalities in California and Hawai‘i. EAH has received multiple national awards for property management and design, and numerous commendations from legislators on the federal, state and local levels.

And, to help with talking points, here is a list you can use, or use your own words of support:

  • One Hamilton provides an excellent opportunity for Mill Valley to increase our housing diversity and provide a preference for local workers.

  • Selection of this site resulted from careful study by the City Council's Housing Advisory Committee, extensive review by planning department staff, and follows numerous public meetings over the past several years.

  • One Hamilton is close to local jobs and will have little or no impact on traffic (local workers living there can help reduce traffic into our town).

  • Well-designed housing here will fit well into a neighborhood that already has a mix of single family homes, apartments, and condominiums.

  • We are fortunate that EAH, an experienced and respected non-profit, is interested in helping us make this project a success.

  • One Hamilton will become an asset for our community, and we should be proud to see Mill Valley welcome more local workers to live in our town.

We look forward to seeing you at City Hall!

- MV Free Housing Team


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