Pacific Sun, Sept. 20, 2023 – Marin County sheriff says lawmakers need to make changes to prevent profiling
MVFREE’s analysis of 4,500 stops by the Marin County Sheriff’s Office found that Black people were stopped almost nine times more often than whites and Latinx people more than twice the rate of white people, despite the fact that Black, Latinx and white people are released without arrest or citation at the same rate.
Sheriff Jamie Scardina claims the data, which came from his office, is flawed, and that the responsibility for change must come from legislators, not law enforcement.
Here’s Nikki Silverstein’s Pacific Sun story — Marin County sheriff says lawmakers need to make changes to prevent profiling — and the MVFREE analysis of the racial profiling data.
Local News Matters, May 11, 2023 - Citizen's group seeks input on Marin sheriff oversight proposal prior to supervisors' vote
The idea for a citizens oversight board stems from a June 2022 Civil Grand Jury report titled “Sheriff Oversight: The Time is Now,” which outlined a “strained” and distrustful relationship between law enforcement and residents in unincorporated Marin City. The report and its recommendations were compiled in the wake of Assembly Bill 1185, passed in the fall of 2020, which allows counties to create citizens’ oversight boards. Following the grand jury report, the Marin County Board of Supervisors made a commitment to establish an independent community oversight structure for the Sheriff’s Office.
Last September, a community outreach working group (COWG) of 15 people was formed to conduct outreach to the community and stakeholders and to research effective community oversight models. The COWG came up with various options that the Board of Supervisors can consider when implementing their recommendations. Principally, they recommend developing a civilian oversight commission (COC) and appointing an Inspector General to perform functions such as coordinating complaint investigations, monitoring jail facilities, making policy recommendations and carrying out audits.
The residents group urging the community to provide supervisors with feedback about the proposal, Mill Valley Force for Racial Equity and Empowerment, or MVFREE, would like to see clarifications and revisions to the proposal that will go before the Board of Supervisors.
Read the MVFREE Police Team’s May 1, 2023 letter to the Board of Supervisors
Read the full Local News Matters Article
Marin Independent Journal, March 7, 2023
On March 7, 2023, the Marin IJ featured a front page article that credited MVFREE for its role in establishing and launching Mill Valley's Bias by Proxy program, which is part of a larger effort to improve diversity, inclusion and equity in the city following a report, drawn from police data, that indicated that Mill Valley community members call the police about Black people at nearly 20 times the rate they do white people. Celimine Pastor, a member of MCFREE, said that in most of the cases of calls against people of color, the police find no cause for citation or arrest. "The data was heart-breaking, but it's something that was eye-opening. We really do have a problem. We really do need something to do about it." Linn Walsh, a city management analyst noted that "This is a long-term campaign. We want to get it out in front of people. We have to have conversations about it." Mill Valley police Chief Rick Navarrro said that the police department is continuing work to train officers on implicit bias and that "We are really encouraged by the response we have received so far on the bias by proxy campaign."
Read the article by Giuseppe Ricapito, "City to address racial bias with mail campaign."
In Vicki Larson's March 7, 2023 "So It Goes," bi-weekly opinion piece, "Taking on a 'Karen ' problem," she invites readers to think about what it means to be white, rather than how it would be if they were Black. Larson cites a 1997 interview with cultural critic and humorist Fran Lebowitz, in which Lebowitz says, "That's something White people almost never think about. And what it is like to be White is not to say, 'We have to level the playing field,' but to acknowledge that not only do White people own the playing field, but they have so designated this plot of land as a playing field to begin with. White people are the playing field," she said. "The advantage of being White is so extreme, so overwhelming, so immense, that to use the word advantage at all is misleading since it implies a kind of parity that simply does not exist." Larson notes that this is something MVFREE has been thinking about. Noting data from the Bias by Proxy campaign, Larson wonders whether white women may be making the calls. Referencing Bay Area attorney Megan Armstrong's article in the Hastings Women's Law Journal, "From Lynching to Central Park Karen: How White Women Weaponize White Womanhood" and sociology professor Jessie Daniels’ book, "Nice White Ladies: The Truth About White Supremacy, Our Role in It, and How We Can Help Dismantle It," Larson gives her readers a lot to think about.
Read the full opinion piece, "Taking on a 'Karen ' problem"
A community is using a flyer to reduce racial bias. It’s not as silly as it sounds, SF Gate February 26, 2023
Racial Disparities in Policing in Mill Valley 2022 (See full report )
Data shows racial inequities in Mill Valley policing - Pacific Sun, September 28, 2022
Fault for biased policing also lies in who calls the cops - SF Chronicle, October 8, 2022
Mill Valley, activists disagree on police stop data - Marin Independent Journal, October 12, 2022
All Eyes Should Be on Marin: A Racial Reckoning in the Bay’s Whitest County, March 3, 2021
Marin City 6th Annual Juneteenth Festival
Looking Towards The Future
Music: Traditional Drumming in Opening Ceremony, Gospel,- FMBC Choir. R&B, Jazz. Arts is Health Band. Afro World: James Henry- Hands on Fire Band. Hip Hop, Roots Neo Soul: Piwai: Youth Dance Troop Studio 121 Theatrical Presentation. Local Talent. More Video uploads coming
Food: So far: Haitian "Caribbean Spice Food Truck, Stuffed Potatoes, Tacos, BBQ, Fried Fish & Oysters, Vegetarian Options, Pastries, and Baked Goods, Fresh Brewed Ethiopian Coffee. Boutique: Fashion, & Jewelry, Skin/Hair Care, Art, Full list in progress.
Mill Valley Inaugural Juneteenth
Mill Valley Recreation, along with the City of Mill Valley and MVFREE, is hosting an inaugural Juneteenth celebration called the Freedom Festival. We will honor our past through the celebration of African American Independence Day with live music, poetry, storytelling, activities for all ages, and more.
We welcome Hip Hop for Change to celebrate diversity in our community as we amplify black voices. Live performances by: JAZZ MAFIA, DEUCE ECLIPSE, DAYLITE, UNLEARN THE WORLD, DJ SAURUS
Stay tuned for additional details coming soon!
Tiburon 2nd Annual Juneteenth Celebration
Joyce Grant Jazz Band
History of Juneteenth presented by Guest Speaker, Anette Harris
DEI Task Force: Ruben Kalra, Tiburon Mayor John Welner, Belvedere City Councilman Jim Lynch
Poetry Reading by Guest Speaker Noah Griffin
MVFREE will be joining in the festivities - swing by and visit our table
Mill Valley Music Festival
The inaugural Mill Valley Music Festival is a one-day outdoor arts and culture event presented by the Mill Valley Chamber of Commerce. It features a heady, multi-genre mix of diverse national acts and local lights, coupled with world-class food, drink, and art for your best friends and ones you’re yet to meet. This all-ages gathering embraces the Bay Area’s rich diversity with eyes, ears, and arms wide open.
Let’s celebrate, MVFREE will be sharing a booth with Spread Love & Mt. Tam CLT.
Diversity Day at Tam High School
Celebrate Diversity in Our Community on May Day!
Student art, music, food trucks, and more.
Earth 2050 Mill Valley
Celebrate Earth Day with art, music, and talks to protect our future! How can we create a better world by 2050? What will it look like? MVFREE will be present to spread diversity and love.
FREE event, Registration Required
Get Your FREE Tickets Online at
Children under 13 are welcome but must be accompanied by an adult.
For more information, please email
MVFREE will have a table with info and volunteers ready to assist with questions and input.
FREE Egg Hunt. Register online at - Course #: 7123
Mt. Tam CLT Coffee & Conversation
Join the members of Mt. Tam CLT for coffee & conversation to learn more about how Mt. Tam Community Land Trust is working towards helping Mill Valley’s housing crisis. As a community, we look forward to insightful and constructive ideas you’d like to share.